Resolution Procedure

Resolutions must be submitted fourteen (14) days before the national conference begins so that Board may review them in advance of the conference.

For the 2020 conference resolutions must be submitted by April 1st.

Resolutions must be voted and approved by the body of the foco or caucus prior to submitting. No individual member can submit a resolution. Access to the form is available to members only.

The person listed on this submission must be a member who will be at the conference so that the Board can address any questions prior to the business meeting. The member must also be present at the business meeting to answer any questions from the floor.

Resolution must be written and formatted in the proper format to be accepted.  See an example.

The form is available at

Resolutions submitted must conform to the following rules:

  1. Resolutions must identify the Foco/Caucus that is putting the resolution forth;
  2. Resolutions must provide names of contact person(s) with phone numbers and email address in case further clarification is necessary;
  3. If the resolution has budget implications, the resolution must include amount and purpose;
  4. The resolution must be worded in such a way that the implementation of such resolution be realistic in terms of funding requirements and logistics involved.
  5. Resolutions not properly formatted will not be considered. (Writing a NACCS Resolution Link)

The Foco/Caucus must take responsibility for wording its resolution in such a manner that it is actually a resolution and not a call for support on an issue relevant to only one region. Resolutions must be edited so that they are easily understandable to the general membership. Resolutions must provide names of persons who are expected to act on behalf of NACCS and their professional or community affiliation. Resolutions that do not meet the criteria will not be considered. Once the Board approves the resolutions, the NACCS Secretary will compile, duplicate, and distribute the Foco/Caucus at the NACCS general business meeting. A consent agenda format (all resolutions are approved automatically unless a member requests that a specific resolution be removed for discussion and vote) will be followed during the business meeting. Resolutions that are pulled from the consent agenda or do not make the consent agenda will be voted on by the membership within two months of the conference online.

Members will have an opportunity to discuss the resolutions online. Details of this discussion will be forthcoming. Any questions should be directed to the Chair of NACCS or Secretary.

updated Fall 2019 – Vol. 44 No. 1

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