Annual Conference

¡Chicana/o Power!
Transforming Chicana/o Activism, Discourse and Scholarship into Power

Denver, Colorado, April 6 – 9, 2016, DoubleTree Inn

Chicana/o Power represents the essence and foundation of our discipline. Through disciplinary self-reflection, we merge theory and practice to create a space where our scholarship and social engagement challenges, transforms and repudiates dominant power structures.

As the mainstream escalates their rhetoric and attacks on Chicana/o, immigrant, LGBTQ, and indigenous communities and environments, we say, ¡Ya Basta! NACCS must continue to push the boundaries of emancipatory scholarship and activism that combats all forms of systemic structural violence. We must continue to be a safe, yet contested space – de respeto – where we can reflect, re-envision and recommit as students, teachers, scholars, and activists and as members of multiple communities. Our aim is to continue to transform our energies to tap our collective power to ignite a new era of equity through social justice work.

We must be deliberate and strategic in the ways we teach, study, examine, and carry out our individual, collective, and group actions to contest this new “era of violence.” Our NACCS community must continue to defy the boundaries that stifle and confine us to stereotypes and deficient constructs vis-à-vis race, class, gender, sexuality and other social markers.

NACCS 2016, en Denver, calls for papers and presentations from multi-disciplinary approaches and social movements, academic and practitioners of social change, that address, but are not limited to:

  • The institutional approaches anti-immigrant/anti Latino/a sentiments and actions
  • The continuous and constantly changing working class movements within Chicana/o communities
  • Institutional forms of social injustices and displacement
  • Indigeneity and Decolonization
  • Social justice struggles –both historical and contemporary reflected in recent social and political shifts
  • Twenty-first Century Identities rooted in Race/Ethnicity and Assimilation
  • Popular Resistance
  • Social Media Movements and Critiques
  • Empire Building