From the NACCS Chair

March 21, 2022

Roberto Hernández, NACCS Chair, 2021-2022

Estimad@s NACCistas,

As we approach the Spring equinox and for most a much necessary spring break, we want to relay a number of exciting news and important updates in advance of our upcoming NACCS Annual Meeting, which will be held virtually for a second year now on April 20-23, 2022. As you will read below, we have some announcements of recognition for a few our fellow CCS colegas and their respective accomplishments, as well as some reminders in preparation for the conference.

While we share the sentiment with many of you of wanting to be back in person pa’ compartir and convivir with each of you, platicar and theorize in the flesh, for the time being we say safety first, but with the hope that this time next year we will me making travel plans rather than balancing zoom meeting schedules. That being said, do not forget that although a much-reduced virtual rate, you still need to register for this year’s conference, and encourage others to register as well, as it is one of the few ways that we can continue to keep NACCS afloat during these difficult times. We know several of you have reached out about technical problems with registration and those have since been fixed.

With that, we honor those that we have lost in these three years since we were last together in Albuquerque, we give thanks to those seeds that they planted in each of us, we see and support all those beautiful cosechas emanating in and through the work you each do, and we nourish those new semillas and seedlings to come in the students and mentees of today.

See you en Zoomlandia soon

Spring 2022, No. 47 No. 1